tiistai 13. tammikuuta 2015

Something about me, (The story of Hauki-Olli)

Hi, all my friends interested in pike fishing and welcome to my blog!

My name is Olli Alanko. I'm a pike fishing enthusiast from Helsinki, Finland. I've been fishing for all of my life. With my beloved dad, we went angling for barbs on a local stream and caught some good ones too. The river was also loaded with pike, so we spin fished for it in pools and other slower parts of the stream. Dad taught me a lot about nature, how to treat the environment responsibly. We practised catch & release.

It was before all that though when i got the "pike bite". I caught my first pike bobber fishing in a trench near our home. I had this rod made from a tree branch, if I remember correctly and the pike was around 1lb/0,5kg but it felt big then. That's a day I'll never forget, my perents even gave me a nickname Hauki-Olli (Olli the pike-catcher in english). After that I've been a pike fisherman. Of course I like to fish for other species too, but the pike strike just makes me so unbelievably happy.. I can't help it.

Novadays I mostly fish for pike on a fly in the archipelago near Helsinki, Porvoo and Turku. Pike gets on well in the brackish waters of Gulf of Finland and they grow huge here. I don't have a boat, or even a car, but I bought a float tube last winter and it opened a whole new world of fishing for me.

In the next post, I'll upload some photos and tell something about my last year of fishing. (Which was better than I could ever have imagined.)

Thanks for reading and welcome back soon.



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