lauantai 30. toukokuuta 2015

Video: The popper pike and the hardest fight ever!

This athletic pike hammered the popper hard! This was the first fish in my new boat!

Tight lines! I'm gone fishing.

maanantai 11. toukokuuta 2015

New boat coming!


I think I've finally found a perfect fishing boat. I first thought I could buy a fishing kayak but it's just not possible. Despite looking everywhere I haven't found a place to store a kayak. I live in an apartment building and I don't have a car of my own.

But now I found a perfect craft (I think). It is a Sea Eagle Fast Track inflatable kayak. I ordered it from spindrift,com (in the UK) on Friday and it is dispatched already. The boat fits in a backpack, weights around 14kg or under 30lbs, I can stand in it and take it wherever I want even with public transport. It's made from 1000 denier reinforced material and has an inflatable high pressure 'dropstich' floor so it's a serious boat.

This is the package that I ordered. Fast Track deluxe angler package.

Lets see how it turns out, but I'm super excited!!

I'll post first impressions when the boat is here.

See ya!

sunnuntai 10. toukokuuta 2015

Big pike night with Juuso

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

It's officially started! The big pikes are in the shallows! The peak time is on for us fly fishers here in Southern Finland.

I just can't figure out what to write right now. I'm so excited! But I think there will be more reports soon about fishing and about gear too. I'll soon receive my new fishing craft from the UK... More about that later.

But now, let's enjoy a video that's all about Juuso's new personal best! Congrats to Juuso, I'm so happy if I did anything to help him catch this fish. What a beautiful fish!


Thanks for your time and tight lines! Go fishing!